Now, what gets complicated with our species is that each and every family environment is different, and I am not here to claim that bitcoin can fix those problems. But what bitcoin does do is create a monetary environment capable of allowing the individual to thrive.
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Once a citizen is capable of individual wealth accumulation via a simple vehicle such as saving, and which doesn’t get rapidly diminished in purchasing power, it allows for one to build-up a capital cushion that can serve to provide both psychological contentment, as well as allow for the individual to look forward to the future – at seeing a better life ahead of them as an attainable possibility.
When this relationship is brought back to reality for the individual, it becomes an even greater force for allowing for a successful and happy family establishment. How many marriages have fallen apart due to money problems? Arguments over money is a significant root cause for a large percentage of divorces amongst Generation X and boomers alike.
Bitcoin is the asset that can pull the American Dream out of the filth of nihilism (which we currently find ourselves in), and elevate it onto the horizon of the rising sun (“…at dawn, look to the East”), placing a better future in view, worthy of optimism. It is a dark moment in history when an entire population — or an entire society — begins to believe that the future amounts to nothingness, to the point of this belief becoming commonplace. For without belief in a future being better, and without the perceptiveness to see a “way out” of their current environment — this is what many would call a “devil’s playground.” Where cases of depression run rampant as individuals lose hope, and where cases of drug abuse and addiction skyrocket as people seek to flee their current environment through an altered state of mind. A society where monetary flourishing is capable may not be completely free of these scenarios for all of her citizens, but it can dramatically reduce them. How many of us have friends, family and loved ones that are plagued with depression or addiction and just cannot see a way out? How many do we know that are putting off family formation due to economic hardship?
I believe that if we Fix the Money, we can indeed Fix the World. Bitcoin brings a worldview of family life back to those glory days of Post World War II America. Where families are booming, communities are thriving, and each of our futures are only limited by the scope of the imagination.
It bears mentioning that this also makes the “American Dream” attainable to anyone and everyone, regardless of geographic location because of bitcoin’s decentralization, uncensorable nature, and incapability of being seized.
Bitcoin brings the American Dream back into relevance for today, on a global scale.
Bitcoin provides optimism for a wealthier, more efficient, more fair tomorrow.
Bitcoin is hope for a better future.
This is a guest post by Mike Hobart. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC, Inc. or Bitcoin Magazine.